Initially Research

The theme I chose to do is Tron Legacy.  The movie 'Tron' was originally released in 1982.  Through the old and new film the effect of laser lights are present on both cast, environment, machines and buildings to give the computer feeling.  I feel that an MP3 amplifier is completely appropriate for advertising this movie as it is a modern device that was not around when the first movie was released.

MP3 amplifiers come in all shapes and sizes and designs.  From the funky right to the funny and there are many out there.  But I will be obviously homing my thoughts on 'Tron.'

So lets break down the amplifier to its simple components:
  1.  Power source
  2. Circuit Board(s) 
  3. Speaker
  4. Casing/ housing
There can be other elements that are required, such as switches, lights, output/input leads, speaker grills and much more but the fundamental parts are 1 to 4.  For this MP3 amplifier we have been given some components which are to be included.  A 9volt battery, a speaker, a circuit board with components attached and two leads (one to the power source and one with a 'jack plug' that will connect to the MP3 player.)

It is necessary to consider the speaker and the quality I can achieve by how it designed. The speaker we are using is the Thiele speaker.  Speakers are generally best set in a 'Box' for best design, like that of hi-fi speakers.  Allowing air to move around the speaker producing a crisper sound and a lower frequency.  Introducing a cone in front of the speaker and then mounting the speaker on to it can produce bass undertones.  These couples of points need to be considered when designing the housing to get the best sound within the design.
More information can be found at